12 September 2011

new 'do

jill and camille thought it was a good idea to take
scissors to their lovely long locks.
sometimes good ideas end up bad.
it was a hack job from front to back on both.
thankfully, not bad enough to be fixed.
they love their new hair.

i'm just not sure if the lesson was learned when they ended up
looking so cute...


Caitlin said...

I never thought about it like that. Maybe you should have had them run around with jacked up hair. Aww. I can't even remember them before their new do's because they fit them so well.

Kristen P. said...

oh. no! so much for repunzer.

Valerie said...

I'm going to have to show this to Caroline! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Jill's hair. It makes her look so grown up. Caroline wanted to have her hair cut "like Jill's" just last week!