12 September 2011

new 'do

jill and camille thought it was a good idea to take
scissors to their lovely long locks.
sometimes good ideas end up bad.
it was a hack job from front to back on both.
thankfully, not bad enough to be fixed.
they love their new hair.

i'm just not sure if the lesson was learned when they ended up
looking so cute...

08 September 2011

The cake was right

06 September 2011

Labor Day

we headed to the Salt River for some relief from the heat.
the girls had a great time and can't wait to go back to the "beach".
we ended up on the evening news.
a quick action cameo of jeff and camille @ 1:06
and the whole lot of us @ 1:20

04 September 2011

did you know?

i'm 19 weeks pregnant.
my sister-in-law sarah is a "gender predictor" cakemaker extraordinaire.
the cake says boy.

on Wednesday we will see if the cake was right.