i'm still pregnant.
this is the longest it's ever taken to get the baby out.
i've walked and walked and walked.
i've walked curbs, i've eaten spicy foods, pineapple, etc. etc.
all with a little success but not enough.
as of last week i was dilated to a three.
i've been having contractions daily but nothing consistent.
I see the dr tomorrow and i think she may have a few tricks up her sleeve.
this is the longest i've gone, the most weight i've gained, and it's a boy.
jeff and i are expecting a big one.
while the babe has been cookin' i've been trying to stay busy this
last month to keep a positive attitude.
we rang in the new year with some TX sheet cake (first attempt), new friends, and fireworks.
jill started a new pre-school and camille still has withdrawals without her.
we've explored our surroundings and taken advantage of the nice weather.
hit up the movies, a hockey game, and the circus.
we frequent the park and even have seen some romance there.
the girls started gymnastics and are loving it.
some dear, new, super talented friends even threw me a TX cowboy baby shower.
more pics and deets here:
after all this, i'd say the only thing i need now is a
warm little body to fill this up:
come baby come.