Jillian Taylor was born on Friday OCt 20th at 3:15 pm in mesa az. My water broke at 3:15 in the morning, my contractions were really irregular and never became consistant. We started pitosin at 7:00 am. This of-course started labor fast and hard. I got an epidural at 12:00. It was so funny b/c I then wanted it turned off due to the numbess in my left leg. i hated to feel like i wasn't in control. i couldn't even feel it when jeff would pinch and twist my skin. Jeff and the nurse wouldn't let me turn it off or down b/c i was starting to progress quickly. At around 3:00 the doctor came in and said it was time. Three contractions later we had a 7 lbs 6.5 oz 21 inch sweet baby!!!
We couldn't decide on a name until the pressure was on. we named her just befor ewe left the hospital. it was pretty funny to keep telling nurses and doctors that she didn't have a name.
Today Jillian is six days old today and continues to get cuter by the minute. jeff and i can't get enough of her. it's funny how you can just pass the time starring at one sweet little face. she's starting to smile more but we have yet to catch one on camera.
jeff is very protective of her and i love it. in the hospital jeff wouldn't let the nurses take her without him by her side. jeff hasn't even let me give her a bath. i guess i can't complain too much though b/c i get to feed her and i love it. i think i see more expressions than anyone b/c the time i spend with her.
needless to say i'm loving being a "stay-at-home mommie"!!!!