19 December 2008
11 December 2008
02 December 2008
minus the jelly

i am also grateful this year for extended family that live in AZ.
22 November 2008
little sis

she can sit up by herself (for a handful of seconds)

she's even on the move already. (much sooner than jill was)
joining the army for the crawl from Alisha on Vimeo.
15 November 2008
while you were gone

started eating rice cereal. she's pushing up onto all fours. it won't be too long before she crawling. she laughed a lot at big sis and mom. sometimes i would get frustrated because she burps so much and they aren't always easy to get out without a lot of fuss, especially at 4 in the morning every single night. i think she could have used a break from me sometimes. daddy's have patience when mommy's is all gone. she needs some daddy lovin'.
this one:

ran to the door yelling "dada" every time a car drove up. kissed the air and said "daddy?" with that look (you know that look. the one with her hands up by her shoulders like she carrying a plate, and her head tilted to the side)after the prayer each night. started a 'mommy and me' dance class and loves it. btw, she's the best in there and she's the youngest. she talks more and more everyday. she still hasn't figured out her trike but hopefully soon. she helped mommy changing diapers. but only camilles' diapers because monster is...POTTY TRAINED. that's right daddy. jillian learned to use the potty this week and can't wait to show you. she sleeps through her naps, went to dance class, and the mall with no accidents. i am so proud of her.
we miss you. we love you. get home fast.
love, wife
08 November 2008
the girls

03 November 2008
Halloween Week

jill got a new bff (the pumpkin has a cute little panted face).
she is still (yes, even today) carrying it around and treating it like a baby.

tues: carving party and pizza with the fryer fam

thurs: ward trunk-or-treat
27 October 2008
20 October 2008
birthday love
i especially love:
the way you come to wake me up every morning.
the way you fold your arms, close your eyes, and bow your head.
jillian= dede
one= non
um= yes
controller= con
balloon= loons
please= mommy pepe
water= tata
i love you= lala
leaf= aleafs
tree= atrees
the moon= tamoo
we started two new family birthday traditions today:
1. balloon launch

2. a family picture

17 October 2008

for a sneak peek behind the stage.
lucky for us we saw chelsie (my fav), screamed her name
and asked to meet her.
she was so nice and i offered one of my brothers after she
said she didn't have a boyfriend.
then i realized that all my brothers are married now.
i guess i got caught-up in the moment.
no kids, no hubby. just me and my bff acting crazy.
i forgot how old we really are.

anyway, hales and i then tried to get into the intimate after-show
by taking some back-stage passes from a chick that was leaving.
too bad we got caught by going in through the exit door.
oops. that's what you get for being dishonest and not so sneaky.
so, we waiting outside until we got to see the whole group and get more pics.
15 October 2008
a tid-bit
09 October 2008
and then you think to yourself...
the fishing was suppose to be good.
you have to boat to the camping spot. sweet.
we (us, gardiners, fryers) were so excited for the adventure.
that is until the night came.
cold set in and so did our rude camping neighbor's.
all night cussing and then loudly making-up.
oh, and who can forget the fog horn they hooted at midnight.
at this point you think to yourself,
"now why did camping sound like a good idea?".
needless to say we all felt like this in the morning:
the rain started and we all had to find something to do in our tents.
like put a diaper on the bunny over and over
(for about 1 hr. non-stop).(ocd much?)